
systems care and support

Maintenance of systems and applications

Idea, design, implementation – the basic steps in executing any IT project. However, complete customer satisfaction with a product depends not only on its innovation and quality. An application, system, or portal must also be maintained to ensure it is considered reliable. Maintenance requires considerable experience, the right tools, and a qualified team. Therefore, it is worth entrusting this task to specialized companies, so you can focus on developing and selling your excellent product.

How We Can Help

  • We will professionally take care of your system, ensuring that the platform operates 24/7.
  • We will use the latest automation tools to implement necessary changes quickly and reliably.
  • We will ensure security by regularly updating all components.
  • We will monitor systems and applications using specialized tools, assess performance, and identify areas needing optimization.
  • We will respond to your requests, solve problems, and modernize the infrastructure.


  • Scope of maintenance: public cloud, containers, Linux, virtual servers
  • Services: uprading, monitoring, security, support
  • Vendors: Azure (Micrsoft), AWS (Amazon), GCP (Google), ISP

Cloud, containers, Linux…

…and beyond. We are flexible and eager to understand your needs.
Which system architecture to choose? Do we have to rely on major cloud providers?
Could my systems be more secure? When will we collide with the Andromeda Galaxy?
If something isn’t in our offer, it doesn’t mean we can’t do it!

We're waiting for new challenges.